von godehardg | Okt. 31, 2019 | Blog, Weekend Reading
Dear all, No reason to be scared of long reads! Since it’s an extended weekend for many of us, I thought I’d share some from my current reading list of with you: Seeing Around Corners by Rita Gunther McGrath Finally finished it yesterday. An inspiring and contemporary...
von godehardg | Okt. 25, 2019 | Allgemein
We start our journey to our dreams by wanting, but we arrive by focusing, planning and learning. (Christina Wodtke) Recently discussing OKR learnings with a team of OKR coaches from a corporate client, we arrived at 12 reasons for OKRs to fail: 1. Using OKRs without a...
von godehardg | Okt. 25, 2019 | Blog, Weekend Reading
Dear all, I have dodged the draft in my time (those were the days), but I see value in certain types of defense today. In particular when it comes to defending Agile and good software development practices. Here are three US Department of Defense documents...
von godehardg | Okt. 24, 2019 | Blog, Weekend Reading
We start our journey to our dreams by wanting, but we arrive by focusing, planning and learning. (Christina Wodtke) Recently discussing OKR learnings with a team of OKR coaches from a corporate client, we arrived at 12 reasons for OKRs to fail: 1. Using OKRs without a...
von godehardg | Okt. 18, 2019 | Blog, Weekend Reading
Dear all, why is innovation such a challenge for larger corporations? After two days of intensive work and discussions with an industrial client this week I’d like to share some thoughts via the following 3 (+1) links. Steve Blank is very vocal about why...