von godehardg | Feb. 24, 2020 | Allgemein, Blog, Innovation
(By popular demand: the English translation of last week’s German post.) If it’s not about the climate, digitization is everywhere. At least it feels like it is. Digitization changes everything, needs new infrastructures, threatens jobs. If you believe Google...
von godehardg | Feb. 20, 2020 | Allgemein, Blog, Innovation
Wenn’s mal nicht ums Klima geht, ist Digitalisierung überall. Zumindest gefühlt. Sie verändert alles, braucht neue Infrastrukturen, bedroht Arbeitsplätze. Glaubt man Google Trends, ist sie inzwischen wichtiger als die Dauerbrenner „Industrie 4.0“, 5G...
von godehardg | Aug. 25, 2016 | Allgemein, Blog, Innovation, Product Management
“If you are working on something exciting that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you” – Steve Jobs. In its best form a vision statement provides purpose and acts as the north star and guiding light for an organisation. It’s...
von godehardg | Juni 27, 2016 | Allgemein, Blog, Innovation, Product Management
Throughout the history of mankind, progress has been marked by an ability to systematically predict and then repeat the outcomes of increasingly complex processes or behaviors. From hunting/gathering to farming to reusing rockets – innovation undoubtedly...
von godehardg | Jan. 15, 2016 | Allgemein, Blog, Innovation, Product Management
There seems to be a growing consensus that managing innovations as a portfolio of incremental, adjacent, and transformational/disruptive projects improves longterm innovation outcomes. Still, the odds often end up being stacked towards more incremental projects. So...
von godehardg | Dez. 11, 2015 | Allgemein, Blog, Innovation, Product Management
In my work with innovative small and medium size companies trying to scale -in particular as a Business Innovation Coach for the European Commission’s Executive Agency for SMEs (EASME) – many of the great teams I get to work with are looking to me to provide...