Dear all,
this issue of weekend reading could save you tons of money. If you are following the US news, you may have read about the „COVID discount rates“ that a management consultancy successfully sold to the US government for their advice in the pandemic.
Times are rough, though, as today’s title page of German business paper „Handelsblatt“ quite plainly indicates. Going back to pre-COVID ways is not an option.
So, when McKinsey’s advice for reinventing post-COVID organisations for speed and agility crossed my in-basket yesterday, I thought I’d share it with you. While we would want to discuss some execution details, we do fully concur on the directions.
But read for yourself:
Reinventing the organization for speed in the post-COVID-19 era –
McKinsey’s recipe for speeding up organisations for post-pandemic success!
The five trademarks of agile organizations –
McKinsey’s insights on what makes successful agile organization tick.
Thought for the weekend: we offer you another 70+% discount off above-mentioned rate card for a comparable team with – so we believe – more agile experience… (admittedly with Stanford-, not Harvard-educated Partners).