von godehardg | Feb. 19, 2022 | Blog, Product Management, Weekend Reading
” ‘Unlearn’ – To move away from the mindsets and behaviors that were effective in the past, but now limit our success.” Barry O’Reilly – Business Advisor and Venture Builder Dear all, with a storm raging over large parts of Europe, I...
von godehardg | Jan. 8, 2022 | Blog, Weekend Reading
Dear all, happy, healthy, and successful new year to you all! New year, old discussions. Our first client conversations this year again were about how to increase focus and alignment. Everybody appears to have too many things on their plate (or too many new...
von godehardg | Dez. 18, 2021 | Blog, Product Management, Weekend Reading
Dear all, The year is almost over. The time to take stock and reflect. The good news: Despite the challenges posed by the environment (the dreaded virus continues to impose too many constraints upon all of us!), many of our clients have made a lot of progress this...
von godehardg | Nov. 7, 2021 | Blog, Product Management, Weekend Reading
Dear all, hope your weekend has been as sunny as ours! While walking Moritz, our dog, in the snow (we do already have quite a bit of snow up here in the valleys!) yesterday, I came to the conclusion that we often think product development backwards. An example:...
von godehardg | Juli 2, 2021 | Blog, Weekend Reading
“Being product-led… is about differentiation, learning and problem-solving, … and moving teams closer to the “edge” — the users and customers.” (John Cutler, Amplitude) Dear all, When I first rubbed shoulders with the tech industry as a student...