Dear all,

recent tragic events in the US, as well as the outrage and subsequent discussions triggered by them, should have brought it home to us that equality and diversity are still an issue in our society and businesses.

As father of two daughters in their early professional careers and husband to a key account executive, all quite aware of and vocal on these issues, I am often party to animated discussions at our coffee and dinner tables. Don’t get my family started on the topic of the diversity of German CEOs!

Puzzlingly though, there is massive scientific evidence that all vectors of diversity (gender, cultural, age,…), regardless whether at executive management or team level – ideally everywhere –, are highly beneficial for business outcomes.

Three pointers for the weekend:

A Study Finds That Diverse Companies Produce 19% More Revenue

Anna Powers‘ short Forbes article on the stunning findings of a BCG study
Click to view!

Research: When Gender Diversity Makes Firms More Productive

Stephen Turban et al.’s HBR article highlights that cultural acceptance is even more impactful than regulation
Click to view!

How Diversity Can Drive Innovation

Kromatic’s Tristan Kromer discusses why lack of diversity is terrible for a firm’s innovation capacity

Click to view!

Really insightful stuff.

Hope your weather is not as “diverse” as ours here in the Bavarian highlands. Feels like a very long April this year…

