Dear all,

This week I am really late. Lots of work and teaching at Rosenheim University again.

Over the course of this blog I have written on a number of occasions about the benefits of moving from feature- and output orientation to outcome-orientation and continuous discovery.

Today I would like to suggest a Medium post and the accompanying video of a recent talk by Andrew Jordan Miller at Dallas Product Camp, that describe exactly such a transition.

While not providing a blueprint for such a change, both the post (less than 10 mins reading time) and the 50-minute video provide an interesting account of a successful real-world metamorphosis over the course of just under a year.

Here are the links:

Going from feature factory to continuous discovery in 1 year –

a short written account by Andrew Jordan Miller
Click to view!

Shifting into continuous delivery –

the full video of Andrew Jordan Miller’s Dallas‘ talk
Click to view!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
