Dear all,
No reason to be scared of long reads! Since it’s an extended weekend for many of us, I thought I’d share some from my current reading list of with you:
Seeing Around Corners by Rita Gunther McGrath
Finally finished it yesterday. An inspiring and contemporary view on strategy that provides methodical guidance for dealing with potentially disruptive scenarios. I’d wish many C-level Managers would read chapter 8.
What You Do Is Who You Are: How to Create Your Business Culture by Ben Horowitz
Just downloaded it. Having read his deeply personal account of the Opsware journey in “The Hard Thing About Hard Things”, I can’t wait to see how Horowitz connects Gengis Khan’s leadership style with creating a sustainable business culture (befits Halloween?!)!
Testing Business Ideas by David J. Bland & Alexander Osterwalder
Unfortunately one more week to its release. Looks like a nice compendium of ways to test business ideas. Hope it includes more of the material Alex Osterwalder presented at the Lean Startup Conference last spring.
🎃🎃🎃 Happy Halloween! 🎃🎃🎃