Dear all,
as we currently support three client projects in more or less (no pun intended) scaling agile environments, I did recently familiarise myself with LeSS – Large Scale Scrum – again.
And I was baffled once more by its mind blowing simplicity and consequence. „Just talk“ as the alignment mechanism between teams. A complete antithesis to our corporate instincts, that usually try to create predictability and security by ever more layers of additional processes and functions.
LeSS may not be for everyone and every scaled project. It is however worth reflecting about how much of the structures we are building in the name of improved agile delivery (think SAFe!) we could do away with if we managed to rely more on Agile’s original principles.
But watch for yourself:
Introduction to LeSS (Large-Scale Scrum)
8 minute introduction video; worth every second (just love the last part!)
Introduction to LeSS
LeSS introduction by Bas Vodde, one of the “inventors” (approx. 1h – but worth it if you want the full concept).
Hope you have a better weather forecast for the weekend than us!
Enjoy your weekend,