Dear all,
last weekend I did promise you a short list of long reads for the holidays before I sign out for the year.
Here are my three suggestions:
Tendayi Viki: Pirates in the Navy
If you have ever tried to innovate in a corporate environment, you will have multiple deja vus when reading this book. But Tendayi Viki takes you beyond describing the pitfalls. Having read the book, you will feel confident enough to move the needle. Well-written, almost a page-turner.
Mark Johnson and John Suskewicz: Lead from the Future
Before an organization can master its future, its leaders must think about it systematically. This book offers a guide for breaking free from extrapolating the future from an industrial past that offers little relevant guidance for our knowledge economy. The most insightful strategy book I have read in a while.
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Stanley McChrystal: Team of Teams
My holiday read this year. In my management career and my work as consultant I have come to believe that we need to fundamentally change the way we lead to safeguard our collective organizations‘ futures. Stanley McChrystal has demonstrated that even conventionally-trained armies can be turned into fast, flexible, and flat organizations. There’s got to be something to be learned from that.
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Happy, healthy, and peaceful holidays from all of us here at go3consulting!
All the very best,