Dear all,

The ongoing disruption caused – not only – by the pandemic is increasing pressure on many businesses. Re-organisations and even layoffs are the consequence.

In this context it is important to understand and demonstrate how your particular department or team delivers value to the overall organisation (and ideally its customers) and how these benefits can be increased even further – while potentially reducing applied resources and cost.

Working with departments on their practical strategies and OKRs, we find the Business Model Canvas to be a really useful tool for this. Normally used for the development of startups, it also provides us with all the elements to understand and re-focus a department’s „value delivery model“ and derive immediately adressable initiatives from this analysis.

Here are three links to the BMC and how to use it for teams:

The Book

The book by Tim Clark and the Strategyzer team that got us thinking…

Click to view!

A Short How-To

By your’s truly and the go3consulting team. <10 mins reading time…
Click to view!

The PDF Download

Download the BMC as a printable Din A0 PDF.

Click to view!

I planned to have a quiet weekend doing some gardening. Won’t happen: just got informed that we need to take an organization redesign that we planned as in-person workshop (with masks and other precautions!) for next week online. The result of increasing infection rates. Back to the (Miro-) drawing board!

Stay safe and have a great weekend!
