Dear all,
What makes work meaningful?
Despite an increasing adoption of agile practices we are seeing individuals in many teams struggle with the fundamental question „What’s the point of me doing this job?“.
Scientific studies link meaningful work to improved performance, commitment, and satisfaction. Failing to find meaning or purpose in a job on the other hand leads employees – in particular Millenials – to jumping ship and searching for new opportunities.
For this Weekend Reading I have tried to find accessible reads (i.e. more accessible and actionable than the numerous scholarly papers on the subject) that provide answers to the question of what makes a job meaning- or purposeful.
What Makes Work Meaningful is based on 135 interviews and provides insights into the 5 most important qualities of meaningful work as well as the 7 Deadly Sins that will render any work meaningless |
Putting Purpose to Work draws on a study conducted by PWC and tries to answer what it really means to bring purpose to work and life and why it matters for a business
Stop trying to ‘find’ meaningful work takes a somewhat contrarian position asking us to take some responsibility and create meaning in our jobs ourselves
Have a great weekend – I’ll stick to my couch and try and continue to recover from my recent surgery meanwhile,