von godehardg | Nov. 26, 2023 | Blog, Weekend Reading
“AI Will Make Us More Human, Not Less.“ – Satya Nadella, CEO Microsoft Last weekend’s Open AI drama made the headlines in most newspapersworldwide next to the multiple global crises. While it appeared to be the stuff for the next Netflix mini-series...
von godehardg | Nov. 19, 2023 | Blog, Weekend Reading
““In the digital age of ‘overnight’ success stories such as Facebook, the hard slog is easily overlooked.”” – James Dyson, British Inventor and Businessman During the past months, I have worked with various IT organizations on different aspects of digital...
von godehardg | Nov. 3, 2023 | Blog, Weekend Reading
“The basic definition of the business and of its purpose and mission have to be translated into objectives.” – Peter Drucker, Management Consultant This morning, I reviewed our website stats and was amazed to see that a really old blog post of mine about creating...