von godehardg | Dez. 18, 2023 | Blog, Weekend Reading
“Christmas is doing a little something extra for someone.” Charles M. Schulz, Creator of the “Peanuts” With Christmas just around the corner, I would like to recommend some longer reads for the holidays, as every year. The first book by Walter Isaacson explores the...
von godehardg | Dez. 10, 2023 | Blog, Weekend Reading
“A great product manager has the brain of an engineer, the heart of a designer, and the speech of a diplomat.” – Deep Nishar, former VP of Product & UX at LinkedIn It seems the product management discussion will not subside any time soon. Initially, we had a...
von godehardg | Dez. 4, 2023 | Blog, Weekend Reading
“The “best practice” is one of the business world’s most common conventions, but it’s often arbitrary and based mainly on habit – the result of conditions that no longer apply.” – Shane Snow, Contently Founder & Author When developing new working models for...