von godehardg | Feb. 11, 2024 | Blog, Product Management, Weekend Reading
“What the customer buys and considers value is never a product. It is always utility, that is, what a product or a service does for the customer.” – Peter Drucker, Consultant & Author Two weeks ago I conducted Product Management training for a team in a legacy...
von godehardg | Dez. 10, 2023 | Blog, Weekend Reading
“A great product manager has the brain of an engineer, the heart of a designer, and the speech of a diplomat.” – Deep Nishar, former VP of Product & UX at LinkedIn It seems the product management discussion will not subside any time soon. Initially, we had a...
von godehardg | Nov. 19, 2023 | Blog, Weekend Reading
““In the digital age of ‘overnight’ success stories such as Facebook, the hard slog is easily overlooked.”” – James Dyson, British Inventor and Businessman During the past months, I have worked with various IT organizations on different aspects of digital...
von godehardg | Okt. 31, 2023 | Blog, Weekend Reading
“The best reason to start an organization is to make meaning; to create a product or service to make the world a better place.” – Guy Kawasaki, VC and former Head of Evangelism at Apple The last two weeks have been hectic. Therefore, this Weekend Reading had to be...
von godehardg | Okt. 6, 2023 | Blog, Weekend Reading
“Control leads to compliance; autonomy leads to engagement.” – Daniel Pink, American Author Dear all, I am traveling this week. As a consequence, my writing time is constrained. So, I will just sketch out a train of thought that occurred to me over lunch. Everyone...